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The Laundry



Throughout this coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we have taken practical steps, and implemented robust measures, to ensure the welfare of our employees, sub-contractors and any customers who visit our premises.  We have also taken steps to protect any of our employees that visit our customers.


Many of our customers play a key role in maintaining critical infrastructure to keep vital services running with no interruption and we are committed to operating as close to normal as Government Policy permits.


We ensure that all our employees closely follow the infection control measures recommended by UK Public Health Agencies. These include but are not limited to: -


Frequently washing hands by using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water and when coughing and sneezing, cover the mouth and nose with a flexed elbow or tissue – throw the tissue away immediately and wash hands.


Anyone who has a fever, cough or feels unwell or suspects they may have the infection will be asked to contact the NHS services immediately and avoid contact with others until advised on next steps. Our employees are encouraged to follow government guidelines in relation to Lateral Flow tests.


Any employees returning from the high-risk areas are required to follow the Governments Guidelines in relation to Self-Isolation before returning to Work.


All Employees are encouraged to sign up to a track and trace system approved by the UK Government.

All employees are provided with PPE that meets Government Requirements and are required to wear face coverings unless they produce and wear an exempt badge.


Employees are not permitted to attend the premises unless they are scheduled to be on shift.


If Government Restrictions restrict face to face meetings with our customers, we will arrange for meetings to be conducted via zoom calls if required.


In relation to our daily operations the following control measures are in place and adhered to: -


Our collection drivers will be provided with PPE and Hand Sanitizer in each vehicle. Where possible all linen will be collected from the outside of any premises.


Our Drivers will comply with the Risk Assessment or Policies of all our customers. 


On return to our premises all linen is washed at a minimum of 60 Degrees.


Hand sanitising stations are located throughout the premises and in our delivery vehicles.


Once processed and cleaned each customers linen is kept separate from the next.


The Laundry Premises whilst cleaned daily has a deep clean twice weekly. 

We will continue to review our policies and procedures inline with Government Guidance and Legislation.


Thank you for your enquiry!

Call our friendly team on 01493 858578 or email:

The Laundry - East Anglia

The Laundry, 26 Northgate Street, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk,

NR30 1BA. England.

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Environmentally Friendly - The Laundry

The customer remains responsible for all items laundered by the laundry, all items are laundered at the customers own risk. Please advise of any special instructions.

The Laundry is part of Norfolk Facility Services Ltd.

© The Laundry 2023

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